Uniform Questions

What do I bring to my first class?

If possible, please try to arrive 15 minutes early so that you can meet the staff and instructors, sign a waiver if you haven’t already etc.

As far as footwear goes bringing some flip flops/ sandals is a good idea. No shoes are permitted on the mats. That’s why walking up to the mats with flip-flops is a great idea for a seamless transition. 

If you have a gi of your own, bring it!

During our 1-Week Free trial we provide the uniform so you don’t have to make an investment until you are sure that this is something you want to do.

We only accept white and Black Gis!

For a no-gi class, a rashguard and shorts should be worn.

And of course, a water bottle is highly recommended. We have a filtered water station you can refill as needed.

What IS a gi? Is that the same as the kimono?

A gi is a uniform worn during jiu-jitsu (as well as various other martial arts, including judo, karate, and sambo) training. The word “gi” comes from the Japanese term, “Keikogi” or “Judogi”. 

Different parts of a gi are strategically utilized for grips, chokes, guards, and other techniques during training. Typically, it is heavily stitched and usually made of cotton to withstand the rigors of daily practice. 

General Questions

Are Martial Arts a Good Exercise ?

Most definitely! In addition to being immensely FUN, training will increase your muscle tone, bodily coordination, cardiovascular capacity, muscular endurance, balance, and will (inevitably) reduce overall body fat. All that being said, please make sure you hydrate and fuel yourself properly before and after training.

What is the difference between Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai?

The only thing they have in common is that they are both martial arts. Jiu Jitsu focuses in controlling the opponents in dominant positions and attempting submissions, and Muay Thai is a form of striking where you utilize fists, elbows, knees and leg kicks.

I'm a woman: Is Dream Art Conroe good for me?


We have a strong female community in our gym that encourages female students to get out of their comfort zone in a safe enviroment.

Regarding self-defense, it is a fantastic skillset to have (and practice) because, when an “opponent’s” physical size exceeds our own.

Is there an age limit for Dream Art Conroe classes?

No! We have members here who range from 3 years old to over 60! We offer both adult and children’s classes.

Dream Art Conroe Etiquette


Try to arrive 5 – 10 minutes before class.

Remain off the training area while waiting for your class to begin.

There will be no abusive language, attitude, or behaviors of any kind.

Make sure you use proper hygiene (yes, this includes washing your gi after every training session and trimming your nails.)

Do not ask your instructor to train with a particular individual.

Make sure you wear your shoes while off the mat.


Please don’t try to coach your kids from the sidelines.

Please don’t interfere ask the instructors to not put your kid with another kid or vice-versa.

Please get permission before filming any part of the class.

We understand that you are proud of your kid but please keep cheering during class at minimal.